Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Setting Up

So the top photo shows the set up .The wind is from left to right and I approached the stand from the downwind side.I like this spot in the afternoon as I have discovered the fox seem to travel east of the den in the afternoon.I don't spend more
than a half hour on stand and I usually I get a hit in the first 10 min.

The second photo shows a ground level view of the same spot after I shot a fox.I parked a 4whlr at the spot the fox was shot so I would have a reference.I snuck in and placed my call and decoy about a hundred yards out.I played wounded woodpecker and lucky bird for about 30 seconds and muted the call for about 1 min .I did this a couple times and was scanning the Field in front of me when something caught my eye.
I took a second look and sure enough a fox was sneaking in from downwind about 160 yrds out.I lined up the cross hairs and drooped it with a well placed shot from my 22-250.I then started the call again in case there was a second but nothing else showed.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Predator Rifles

The top pic shows my choice in weapons for predator hunting .For some reason it rotated when I uploaded it and I don't know how to fix it. Anyway from left to right we have a ruger mini 14 that I have done a lot of work on and is very accurate for what is really a self defence weapon.Its in 223 rem and will group just under a inch at 100 yrds. I use it for areas that will have tighter cover and when I feel I will need multiple shots.
Next is my 17 Mach IV barrel for my TC Encore.It a custom made by bullbery and hasn't been in the Field yet.I am currently working on some hand loads for it and I think I have fallen for this little wildcat.
On the far right is my TC Encore with a TC 22-250 barrel on it .The action has been modified with a trigger job and heavy hammer spring,The trigger breaks at a crisp 2.5 lbs with no creep and all work on it has been done on it by myself.I also use the oversize hinge pin and it will shoot 1/2 moa and under with my hand loads all day long.I also added heavy duty lock up springs to both barrels.
The next pic shows from left to right the 17 mach IV with a 25 gr Berger sitting on top of 18.6 gr of H322,This I hope will be very fur friendly and will most likely become my go to gun.
Next is a 223 with a 60 gr V max this combo is great as long as you don't hit a bone.I try and limit shots to around 200 yrds with this one.
And on the far right is my beloved 22-250 With a 52 gr Berger hpm running at 3750 fps and is absolutely devastating on the dogs.You put it in the chest and they are DRT!Ive whacked em out as far as 400 yrds and it just puts the smack down on em.
On my next post I will talk about the stand set up and add a few kill shots.Have a great day and take a kid hunting.