Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Setting Up

So the top photo shows the set up .The wind is from left to right and I approached the stand from the downwind side.I like this spot in the afternoon as I have discovered the fox seem to travel east of the den in the afternoon.I don't spend more
than a half hour on stand and I usually I get a hit in the first 10 min.

The second photo shows a ground level view of the same spot after I shot a fox.I parked a 4whlr at the spot the fox was shot so I would have a reference.I snuck in and placed my call and decoy about a hundred yards out.I played wounded woodpecker and lucky bird for about 30 seconds and muted the call for about 1 min .I did this a couple times and was scanning the Field in front of me when something caught my eye.
I took a second look and sure enough a fox was sneaking in from downwind about 160 yrds out.I lined up the cross hairs and drooped it with a well placed shot from my 22-250.I then started the call again in case there was a second but nothing else showed.

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